Business Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Features | Business CDs |
Designed for those who are interested in | Earning fixed-rates for specified terms |
How To Open | Learn More |
Balance To Open | $200 |
Minimum Balance To Earn Dividends | $200 ADB Quarterly |
Dividend Rate | View Rates |
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) | View Rates |
Card Access | No |
Compounding Method | Quarterly |
Dividend Frequency | Quarterly |
Withdrawal Charges | More Info |
eStatements | Yes - eStatements are free |
Available For Overdraft Protection | No |
Deposits Insured By NCUA up to $250,000 | Yes |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of December 31, 2024. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Federal regulation and our deposit agreement limit the number of withdrawals or transfers that may be made from a savings account by telephone, Online Banking, pre-authorized transfer, check, or check card. You are limited to six withdrawals or transfers from Savings Accounts each month by pre-authorized transfer, telephone, Online Banking transfer (including bill payments). No more than six of these transfers may be to a third-party (check, draft, check card, electronic bill payment).