Student Loans
Student Loans from Your Credit Union – A Better Way to Pay for College
Private Student Loans help students pay for college when federal loans, scholarships and other financial aid are not enough to cover the full cost of education. Students can use a Private Student Loan to finance their undergraduate and graduate school tuition and other costs (such as books and room and board). A Private Student Loan from Associated Credit Union provides you cost-savings by offering competitive interest rates, no origination or prepayment fees, and a manageable monthly payment.
Key Features
- Flexible line-of-credit with multi-year approval – no need to re-apply every year!
- Competitive interest rates
- Flexible repayment options including in-school deferment with 6-month grace period
- Personalized 1:1 support – 24/7 call center and personal college counseling support
- Co-borrower release after 48 consecutive on-time payments
Rates may vary based on individual credit worthiness