ScoreCard Rewards
ScoreCard Rewards
Earn ScoreCard Reward Points when you make purchases using your Visa Credit Card or Associated Checking Debit Card.
For Associated Checking Debit Cards, ScoreCard Reward Points are earned when you use your Associated Checking Debit Card for credit purchases. Select credit when using your Associated Checking Debit Card to make signature-based transactions and earn one point for every $3 you spend.*
ACU's Platinum Visa® Credit Card earns one ScoreCard Reward Point for every $1 spent.
Points earned with your Visa Credit Card and Associated Checking Debit Card can be combined and redeemed for travel rewards and brand name merchandise at scorecardrewards.com.
In addition, ScoreMore is a feature of ScoreCard Rewards that allows you to earn additional Bonus Points at participating retailers online and in-store. Simply go to scorecardrewards.com and click on the ScoreMore link. For travel awards information, call 1.800.842.3006. For merchandise information, call 1.800.854.0790.
* Associated Checking Visa Debit Cards earn points for purchases made as signature transactions. A signature transaction is when you authorize your Associated Checking Visa Debit Card purchase using your signature instead of your PIN. Online purchases using your Associated Checking Visa Debit Card earn points when processed as a credit transaction. PINless Point-Of-Sale (POS) transactions processed by merchants do not qualify
All rewards mentioned/shown may not be available at all times. Rewards availability is determined by ScoreCard® Program providers. Visit ScoreCardRewards.com for current merchandise and travel rewards. ScoreCard Rewards are governed by the terms your agreements and may have certain limitations such as keeping any promises you make to the Credit Union.