Auto Loan Purchase
Auto Loan Purchase
If you're in the market to purchase a vehicle, now is the time. Our rates start as low as 4.75% APR for new and used 2025 - 2023 model year vehicles with terms up to 60 months. Plus, you could enjoy no auto loan payments for 60 days. Call 770-448-8200, ext. 2393 to apply or apply online today. View our Loan Checklist for all the information you need to apply.
APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change and determined by the year of the vehicle, the term of the loan, and creditworthiness. Interest accrues from date of loan disbursement. "No Payments For 60 Days" offer good on 2016-2024 models for members who have a credit score greater than or equal to 670. Minimum loan amount for this offer is $10,000.00. Payment example: $26,500 loan at 5.50% APR for 66 Months, monthly payments (included first payment after 60 days) of approximately $468.43 each. For an estimate of what your payment may be, click here to use our Loan Calculator. Please contact Associated Credit Union for full disclosures. Must qualify for loan under Associated Credit Union's guidelines, including age (minimum 18 years of age) and value of auto. No down payment required depending on terms of the loan. The rate you qualify to receive may vary depending on individual credit history, length of term, and age of vehicle. Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Offer may be withdrawn.