Credit Union CarFinders
Why drive from dealer to dealer to find the best price on a new car when Credit Union CarFinders offers a Best Price Guarantee?* Why not team up with CU Carfinders and Associated Credit Union to get the best car at the best price without all the hassle and frustration, we will even deliver your next car to your house free of charge.
Let the experts at Credit Union Carfinders find the perfect car and then let the experts at Associated Credit Union tailor an auto loan that best fits your needs. Credit Union CarFinders is conveniently located at Associated Credit Union's Main Office at 6251 Crooked Creek Road, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092-3107.
Don't waste time at a dealer – call or text Credit Union CarFinders today at 770-446-7969, or visit them online at www.cucarfinders.com. Credit Union Carfinders has added over 1,500 vehicles to their website with prices as low as $2,000.
Associated Credit Union has contracted with Credit Union CarFinders to make this service available as a convenience to our Members. Credit Union CarFinders Buying Service and any manufacturer’s warranties are not services of Associated Credit Union; and are not obligations of or guaranteed by Associated Credit Union. Associated Credit Union makes no representations as to the services of any provider or any vehicles purchased. Services are only available in to eligible Associated Credit Union members.