Rate Reward Auto Loans
Reduce your rate by up to 3% over the term of your loan by making timely payments.
ACU gets it! Paying for life these days is challenging. That's why ACU wants to circle you with an auto loan that rewards you for making on-time payments. Our Rate Reward Auto Loan can provide you with up to a 3.00% rate reduction as long as you make your auto loan payments on time.
Here's how it works.
If you have a less-than-perfect credit score* and make your payments on time for 12 consecutive months your rate will be reduced by 1%. Make timely payments for another 12 consecutive months and we'll reduce your rate by another 1%. Continue to make timely payments for another 12 consecutive months and we'll reduce your rate by another 1%.
Rate Reward Auto Loans are available for new and used cars and for refinancing auto loans originally financed elsewhere.
Must qualify for loan. *Offer good for credit scores equal to or less than 669. Payments made weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly qualify for rate reductions as long as full payments are made for 12 consecutive months. Loans good for current model year and up to 7 years old with terms up to 75 months. Rate Reward reduction of 1.00% is achieved by making 12 consistent, timely payments in a row. The total max reduction an ACU member can achieve over the term of the auto loan is 3.00%. Available for new loans or those refinanced from other financial institutions. Payments will not change with rate reductions. If loan becomes delinquent, the Rate Reward offer is withdrawn. Rates vary based on term, year model and credit history. Rates subject to change without notice. This offer may be withdrawn without notice. May not be combined with any other offer. Not available on CURE loans or new ACU members on the Partner Dealer program.
For an estimate of what your payment may be, click here to use our Loan Calculator. Please contact Associated Credit Union for full disclosures.