Depreciation Protection (DPW)

If your vehicle is totaled or stolen, Depreciation Protection (DPW) protects your investment.
This down payment insurance will protect positive vehicle equity. Positive equity can be gained by putting money down, high trade-in value, or getting a really good deal on a new vehicle.
DPW could waive some or all of your loan balance and result in reimbursement. This protection allows those who put a large down payment to be reimbursed up to $10,000.
Call our loan department at 770.448.8200, Ext. 2390 to add DPW to your loan.
The amount of Depreciation Protection you need will depend upon your individual circumstances. The maximum amount waived can vary depending on the level of protection selected and/or offered. Depreciation Protection products are not products of the credit union and are provided by a 3rd party, not guaranteed by the credit union. Insurance or warranties may be purchased from an insurance company of the Member's choice. The credit union makes no representations as to the services of the provider.